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News and Information about the Business of Cannabis

Filing/Paying Taxes And Communicating About Cannabis With Michigan Department of Treasury

Join Brandi Branson, MTO lead analyst, with the Michigan Department of Treasury.and Sarah Rusnell, outreach manager, to learn the details of filing and paying cannabis-related taxes to Treasury. This final workshop in a series of four will focus on filing...

CRA Proposed Administrative Rules Changes

Join Derek Sova, policy specialist with the Cannabis Regulatory Agency, to learn about the changes being proposed to the marihuana rules. The CRA began the rule promulgation process in 2023 by releasing a summary of proposed changes and soliciting feedback...

Draft CRA Cannabis Rules Available for Review

The draft of the proposed changes to the marihuana administrative rules is now available for public review.  The draft rule language can be found on the administrative rulemaking system (ARS) website. In addition to the draft rules, the agency has...