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On Sunday, March 1st, the Marijuana Regulatory Agency began the phase-out process for caregiver products in licensed stores. The phase-out aims to eliminate the transfer of caregiver-sourced marijuana and marijuana products into the regulated market. The process continues until September 30, 2020, by which time, all marijuana transfers from caregivers will be terminated.

The phase-out is sure to affect Michigan’s supply of cannabis. Currently, the cannabis grown by caregivers makes up over 60% of the marijuana in the marketplace. Under previous rules, the caregivers were allowed to supply marijuana flower and infused products to state licensed growers and processors to supply the medical and recreational marketplace. As legal supply is already struggling to keep up with demand, many Michigan residents and business owners are worried the phase-out will lead to a supply shortage and increased prices.

The MRA does not seem to be concerned about a decreased supply of cannabis products. 

“Caregiver-produced infused products that are already on the shelves of medical and recreational dispensaries can be sold until the product is gone,” says David Harns, spokesman for the Marijuana Regulatory Agency. “Whatever they have on their shelves, they can sell. By the time caregiver flower is phased out, licensed growers should be able to fill the difference.” 

Business owners, on the other hand, are worried.

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