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At NORML, we believe in holding people accountable.

On November 20th of 2019, President Biden proclaimed: “I think we should decriminalize marijuana, period. And I think everyone – anyone who has a record – should be let out of jail, their records expunged, be completely zeroed out.”

Now it is time for the new Administration to follow through on this promise.

That is why, this Presidents Day, we sent a letter to President Biden asking him to take action to fulfill this commitment. We are demanding: President Biden, we urge you to clearly demonstrate your commitment to criminal justice reform by immediately issuing a general pardon to all former federal, non-violent cannabis offenders in the U.S. In addition, all those who are federally incarcerated on non-violent, cannabis-only offenses for activity now legal under state laws should be pardoned and their related sentences commuted.

But a letter from NORML isn’t enough. The Biden Administration needs to hear from you! There is power in numbers and that is why we are asking you today to sign and share our petition!

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Millions of Americans have been subject to a marijuana-related arrest and criminal conviction. Branding these individuals as lifelong criminals results in a litany of lost opportunities including the potential loss of employment, housing, voting rights, professional licensing, and student aid. Furthermore, we all know this serves no legitimate societal purpose. That is why we need your help in demanding the new Administration takes immediate steps to vacate the criminal records of those with federal marijuana convictions.

Thanks for all you do. Together, we’re going to legalize it.