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On Four20Post at 1 pm March 3, the focus will be on Michigan’s Cannabis Social Equity Program that seeks to make it easier for people of color to own cannabis-related businesses, such as provisioning centers, grow facilities and more.

Joining Michigan Marijuana Report Editor Mike Brennan, and co-hosts Jamie Cooper of Sensi Connects and Rick Thompson of the Social Revolution, will be Chris Jackson owner of Sticky, a cannabis brand with stores in Ypsilanti and Detroit. He also sits on a committee with the National Cannabis Industry Association. He has been very involved in conversations around social equity in Michigan.

Also on the show will be La Toyia Rucker half of the female duo that is Calyxeum a Detroit cannabis company seeking legacy licensing status with the city. Calyxeum has worked with Councilman Tate and the Detroit City Council to develop the new equity program and how valuable it will be to legacy applicants. 

Bringing the legal perspective will be attorney John Mackewich. He has helped several Social equity applicants in Detroit and done amazing work on clubhouse helping connect legacy applicants with operators.

You can watch the show at

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