The hot cannabinoid of the moment is Delta-8 THC. It’s a psychoactive compound—as in, it gets you high—that’s legal in most states. Or, if not legal, then at least widely available. It’s in a bit of a gray area.
Understanding why starts with the 2018 Farm Bill, which legalized hemp (or cannabis—it’s the same plant) as long as levels of THC remained below a certain very low threshold. This law accelerated the already-booming market in CBD and created a market opening for novelties like weed that doesn’t get you high.
The structure of the law—everything hemp is legal except THC—created what’s seen by many producers as a loophole that allows the production and sale of Delta-8 THC, because it’s ever-so-slightly chemically distinct from the banned Delta-9 THC. As the owner of a Texas CBD company put it to the New York Times: “You have a drug that essentially gets you high, but is fully legal,” he said. “The whole thing is comical.”
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