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The Marijuana Regulatory Agency Thursday announced the date, time, and location for its second May Business Resource Workshop hosted by the Social Equity Program and featuring a presentation by representatives from Sozo Companies. The topic of the workshop will be marijuana-related convictions in Michigan.

Date:  Thursday, May 20
Time:  10:00 AM
Place:  Zoom

While attendance is free, space is limited and interested participants need to register at the following website:

Representatives from Sozo Companies will cover an overview of the process to set aside marijuana-related adult criminal records, who is eligible and who will have their marijuana-related adult criminal records automatically set aside, associated costs, and legal resources that are available to assist. Please see this document on Sozo’s website for more information about what they will be covering at the workshop.

The presentation will be followed by a question-and-answer session, which will allow the attendees to ask questions of the representatives from Sozo Companies.