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ANN ARBOR – Anton Harb Jr. is a US Army Veteran who served in Iraq. He, like many of his fellow veterans, suffered from PTSD and also overcame cancer from the burn pits. He has become the face of the Hero Project that will work with Michigan Marijuana Regulatory Agency licensees to fulfill their social equity program requirements. Hero also will donate 75 percent of proceeds to Veteran charities, with the remaining 25 percent covering marketing, promotion and administrative costs.

The Hero Project is a 501 (C) (3) nonprofit organization registered in the state of Michigan.

Our mission is to raise donations to support Michigan-registered Veteran charities through the sale of Hero-branded products as well as through individual and corporate donations.

We connect Michigan businesses to those charities that support Veteran causes, such as helping solve homelessness, poverty, domestic abuse, drug abuse, PTSD, and suicide just to name a few.

Three quarters of the money collected from the sale of Hero-branded products will be donated to Veteran charities chosen by each business, setting the Hero Project apart from other organizations by creating a greater financial impact.

In phase two, Hero Project plans to provide Veterans with occupational training so they can become self-sustaining and once again have a mission in life.

For phase three, Hero Project is working with partners to provide housing for Veterans to get them off the streets.

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