Michigan’s Marijuana Regulatory Agency Director Andrew Brisbo appeared on the hit podcast Four20Post on Wednesday, June 30. He was asked about the current caregiver controversy, new license types and potential legislation affecting cannabis consumers and industrialists in Michigan. He also got a little bit personal about a charity event he’s engaged in.
Jamie Cooper raised a point with the Director about a recent post he’d made about the event on LinkedIn. “I am participating in a program called ‘Dapper Dads’ through the Sparrow Foundation. It’s a fundraising effort where we put on a fashion show,” the Director told Cooper and hosts Mike Brennan, Dan Sparrow and Rick Thompson. The Sparrow Foundation is hosted by the Sparrow Hospital system in Lansing.
“It’s a good cause all the way around, supporting women’s health in the state of Michigan.”
His fashion accomplishments are found in the field of footwear. “I like to express my personality through my socks,” Brisbo boasted. “At CannaCon I had my THC molecule socks on. I found those when I was on a trip up to Marquette.”

The Director has been spotted wearing cannabis-leaf design socks for quite some time. But- not always. “I like to do a little expression with the socks. I can’t show you now, because I’m in the COVID business attire, so I’ve got cargo shorts on now,” the dress shirt-and-blazer wearing Director laughed.
Director Brisbo encouraged people to visit the Sparrow Foundation site and vote. Besides raising money for a great cause, his goal is to REALLY show off those socks. “I’ve gotta make it in the top twelve, because then we do a fireman-style calendar when the program is done.” He smiled. “I gotta be in the top twelve.”
You can support the Director in his bid to behave like a fireman by visiting https://dapperdads.sparrow.org/ and casting your vote. Votes cost $5 each (it IS a fundraiser) and you can vote as many times as you wish. Online voting ends September 22 at 5pm EST. The winners will be revealed during a fundraising event on that day at Lansing’s Sparrow Hospital; VIP tickets are $60 and regular tickets are $30. They can be purchased at the voting page.
The interview with the Director can be seen at https://www.facebook.com/M2Podcast
Rick Thompson is Publisher, Michigan Cannabis Industries Report mcirmagazine.com Owner, Michigan Cannabis Business Development Group micbd.com Editor, TheSocialRevolution.org