The Veteran-Owned Small Business of the Year is a business with at least a 51% ownership share held by a military veteran with a minimum of a “general discharge,” active-duty service member eligible for the military’s Transition Assistance Program, reservists and National Guard members.
Deadline to Apply Extended: March 23 @ 11:59 p.m.
Additionally, the nominated party must have proof of service (DD214, NGB-22, or other official proof of service must be submitted before award can be presented). The applicant for this award must also be the highest-ranking officer of the company.
To be considered, the company must meet the following for the year ending 2021:
Staying power, a history as an established business
Demonstrate stable number of employees
Provide employment opportunities for members of the military community
Demonstrated potential necessary for long-term business success and growth
Have a positive company culture where employees are valued
Community engagement, including contributions and volunteerism to aid community-oriented projects
Voluntary efforts to support veterans directly or issues affecting veterans, including veteran-owned businesses, families of Veterans within the community
To nominate a Veteran Owned Small Business please click the button below to
email the company name, contact person and email. MCSB will contact the company to inform them they have been nominated and will provide the application link.
If you are a Veteran Owned Small Business Owner,
you may access the application below.
To apply, Click on MCSB