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The Grove’s first 100 customers will win free pre-rolls for a year, permanent discounts for Center Line residents and Macomb Community College students.

Jumpstart your joint game with an opportunity to win free pre-rolls for a year as The Grove launches its grand opening in Center Line, April 9. The first 100 customers to make a purchase will receive a special card that will net them one free joint each week for a year; and each subsequent customer on The Grove’s opening day will earn a free pre-roll on their next visit. On top of the giveaways, The Grove will permanently provide 10 percent discounts for residents of Center Line and students enrolled in Macomb Community College.

“Hospitality is our specialty at The Grove, and we want to go above and beyond to show our guests how much their business means to us,” Jason Curtis with The Grove said. “We want The Grove to become the neighborhood joint, a home away from home, and to make that happen, all Center Line residents and Macomb Community College students will have 10 percent off whenever they make a purchase. The community means so much to us, and our joint giveaways and discounts are ways for us to give back, make an impact and provide a space where people feel like they’re more than just customers.”

From edibles to flower and everything in between, The Grove features cannabis products grown by Michigan’s own. The dispensary is located at 26352 Lawrence Ave., Center Line, and will feature a spacious interior, curbside pickup and a fast lane where customers can receive their product without the need to leave their vehicles. Customers will have the opportunity to enroll in The Grove’s VIP reward program to receive a variety of rewards, discounts and swag and can sign up here.

For more information on The Grove, visit

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