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In a sharp turn from prohibition-based policy, Colombia will look to advantage small cannabis producers and farming cooperatives, according to a government plan under recently elected President Gustavo Petro.

Petro, a former rebel in the M-19 guerrilla group and a longtime legislator, won Colombia’s presidential election last Sunday, cheering hemp and marijuana interests who hope the new president can execute a plan to transition the country from a narco-state through more constructive policies towards cannabis, coca and poppy.

According to the plan: “The cannabis value chain will receive a special boost, in the hands of producers, linking industry and knowledge, as well as the diversification of uses in the field of medicine, textiles and food, among others.”

The strategy is a fundamental shift in the fight against illegal economies that will position Colombia as a cannabis-producing power through avant-garde policies that take advantage of everything the plant offers, the plan suggests.

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