Michigan’s Cannabis Regulatory Agency plans to zero in on illicit marijuana in the regulated market in the coming weeks after hearing consistent “industrywide” concerns about the proliferation of unlicensed product in Michigan.
The agency’s acting director, Brian Hanna, told reporters Tuesday that the agency is planning actions that will expose bad actors and serve as a warning to other regulated businesses.
Among the issues the agency plans to focus on are proper tagging and registering of marijuana products in the statewide system and proper maintenance of required cameras — both requirements that, if abandoned, allow for a proliferation of illegal weed in regulated facilities and snarl state efforts to identify it.
“If there’s anybody cutting corners or cheating, we want to expose that and take a strong enforcement approach on that,” Hanna said.
Speaking to reporters Tuesday in Lansing, Hanna said his focus over the first 90 days as acting director is to engage stakeholders to better understand what’s working in the industry and what isn’t, and to crack down on illicit cannabis products in the market, including marijunana that is grown and processed in other states.
To read more, click on DetroitNews
To view Hanna interview last week, click on Four20 Post Live