Holiday gatherings and outings can be straight-up annoying for those of us who don’t drink booze. But a new THC-infused seltzer called Highly Casual may take the edge off, allowing us to have our weed and drink it too, Metro Times reports.
The Michigan-born seltzer will hit shelves on Nov. 18. It’s produced by Emerald Canning Partners, a joint venture between Pleasantrees and Andrew Blake, who is also the founder of Blake’s Hard Cider.
Highly Casual’s low-dose, nano-emulsified seltzers come in 12 oz. cans with 2 mg of THC each. They come in three flavors: strawberry and watermelon, lemon and lime, and blueberry and pineapple.
Four-packs, which retail at $18, will be available at Pleasantrees locations and participating stores across Michigan.
Pleasantrees and Blake announced their Emerald Canning Partners project earlier this year. The 17,000-square-foot facility dedicated to cannabis-infused beverage production set up shop in the former Gibraltar Trade Center in Mount Clemens. Highly Casual is its first release.
More info, including a location finder, is available at