About seven in 10 Americans say that marijuana should be legalized—including majorities of all political parties and age demographics—according to the latest Gallup poll released on Tuesday.
A week after midterm elections that saw two more states legalize cannabis for adult use, Gallup’s survey shows that public support has held strong, with 68 percent of Americans agreeing that “the use of marijuana should be legal,” compared to 31 percent who said it should remain prohibited.
Support has stayed the same since the last two times the research organization conducted a survey on the issue last year and in 2020. Opposition dropped off by one percentage point from 2021, however, from 32 to 31 percent, with one percent now saying that they have “no opinion” on the issue.
The poll—which involved interviews with 1,009 Americans from October 3-20, with a +/-4 percentage point margin of error—also reflects the growing, bipartisan popularity of marijuana reform.
There was majority support among people from all sides of the political spectrum, including 84 percent of Democrats, 73 percent of independents and 51 percent of Republicans.
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