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Need to get away from the ice and snow of Michigan in the winter. Check out GanjaVacation, a one-stop shop for any and everything related to cannabis vacations in Jamaica. The go-to place for abundant, reliable, useful, up-to-date information about cannabis-friendly hotels420 vacation dealsherb houses (dispensaries) health and wellness facilities, farm tours, Rastafarian experiences and lots, lots more.

So, whether your cannabis vacation interests are recreational, medicinal, culinary, cultural or whatever, GanjaVacations seeks to find it and describe it for you. GanjaVacation knows that the prime and, perhaps, only reason many of you will find them is because you are already thinking about a ganja vacation in Jamaica.

Among other things you are looking for a good deal at a cannabis-friendly resort where you can consume freely and openly among like-minded enthusiasts. Those are the only resorts that you’ll find on this website! GanjaVacation works with hotel partners to offer memorable cannabis vacations in Jamaica at price points from budget to luxury in all regions of the island.

Information about 420 vacation deals and cannabis-friendly resorts will, in time, be complemented by news, reviews, articles, stories, interviews and lots of other stuff for those interested in ganja related events, activities, personalities, places, etc. GanjaVacations also publishes articles about weed’s ubiquity in the island’s culture. Some of this information will be fun, funny and even off-beat; all of it, engaging. And, much of it sourced from its team of locally based Jamaican writers and editors.

Check out the website at GanjaVacations