Serving as the intersection between healthcare, cannabis businesses, and cannabis directed legislation; Midwest CannaNurses believe they have a unique perspective on the current state of cannabis here in Michigan. As the cannabis industry continues to expand and engage with diverse communities, they recognize the need for education among individuals, healthcare, and businesses to address public health concerns and safe and informed consumption. It is critical to offer support and guidance for all sectors that interface with cannabis and this includes those entities interested in applying for the 2023 Marijuana Operations and Oversight Grant. In this one-hour session, Lee and Smith will discuss: The impact of evidence-based cannabis education and advocacy in healthcare, business, and legislation An overview of the 2023 Marijuana Operation and Oversight Grant for education, communication, and outreach regarding Medical and Adult-Use cannabis Areas of public health education needed among Michigan’s cannabis and healthcare communities How to achieve an environment of safe and informed consumption amongst cannabis consumers For counties: The benefits of incorporating evidence-based cannabis education and outreach in current public health practices For cannabis license holders: The benefit of incorporating evidence-based cannabis education and outreach to lay a solid foundation for their community investment plan to qualify for Gold All-Star status with the CRA The presentation will be followed by a question-and-answer session which will allow the attendees to ask questions that may be answered in real-time. The Michigan Legislature has appropriated a total of $3 million dollars for the Marijuana Operation and Oversight Grants. These grants are available to Michigan counties for education, communication, and outreach regarding the Michigan Medical Marijuana Act and the Michigan Regulation and Taxation of Marijuana Act. Grants provided under this section must not be used for law enforcement purposes. Grants provided under this section must not be used for law enforcement purposes. The completed Marijuana Operation and Oversight Grant application must be received no later than January 1, 2023. The amount of funds available to each county are posted on the Cannabis Regulatory Agency website. Thursday, December 22, 2022 Time: 10:00 AM Eastern Time Place: Zoom Webinar Link: Passcode: 089012 |