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House lawmakers have delayed committee consideration of a large-scale defense bill—which advocates had hoped to see advance with marijuana reform provisions attached—amid disagreements over several key issues that have not been resolved. Meanwhile, the offices of several Republican senators met with the Department of Justice to discuss their concerns with pending cannabis banking reforms.

Advocates are closely watching to see if the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) will be used as a vehicle for marijuana banking, expungements and other reform legislation that bicameral and bipartisan lawmakers have been crafting.

The House Rules Committee was scheduled to take up the NDAA on Monday afternoon, but Chairman Jim McGovern (D-MA) said at the start of the meeting that the “package is not ready yet,” adding that “our committee remains ready to take it up as soon as the text is finalized.”

He didn’t detail the outstanding issues, but some main points of disagreement reportedly surround language on unrelated provisions concerning the repeal of the vaccine mandate for military service members and federal permitting reform.

McGovern did not say when he expects the NDAA text to be available for his panel’s consideration.

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