A Mount Clemens dispensary began selling adult-use cannabis on Monday, even though the city doesn’t have an ordinance allowing it.
Pleasantrees tells Metro Times that it’s selling recreational marijuana out of its medical cannabis dispensary.
Mount Clemens officials were surprised to hear the news because the city temporarily rescinded its recreational marijuana ordinance in June.
Turns out, the Michigan Cannabis Regulatory Agency (CRA) approved a license for Pleasantrees to sell recreational cannabis.
But City Manager Gregg Shipman says he doesn’t understand why state officials would approve the license since Mount Clemens doesn’t have an active ordinance.
“We’re looking into why the state would have given the license without us approving an ordinance,” Shipman tells Metro Times. “We’ll figure it out and make sure that everything is done properly.”
It appears Mount Clemens inadvertently signed off on Pleasantrees’ application for a license.
CRA spokesman David Harns said the state would not have approved the license if city officials didn’t sign off on the application.
Read more at Metro Times