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Argentina has set the THC limit for industrial hemp at 1.0% and established a “one-stop shop” for administration of the hemp and medical marijuana sectors under rules published this month.

The regulations, which follow passage of a law legalizing hemp and MMJ more than one year ago, reflect a major advancement in Argentina, long considered a potential hemp powerhouse in Latin America.

The rules, however, published by decree in the government’s official gazette Aug. 4., do not allow CBD production.

Argentina’s cannabis framework allows hemp to move into the farming mainstream in one of the world’s major agricultural nations, can serve as a replacement for a shrinking tobacco sector, and lead to innovation in technology and product development, the government has said.

“The publication of this decree marks the dawn of a new age in Latin America when it comes to industrial hemp and cannabis,” said Lorenzo da Silva, President of the Latin American Industrial Hemp Association (LAIHA). “Argentina, due to its geographical positioning and land availability, long history in agriculture and a commodity-centered economy, is the most suitable country in all of Latin America to develop a sturdy and sustainable hemp industry.”

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