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The Ohio Division of Cannabis Control has received 235 applications thus far from businesses hoping to either land recreational marijuana retail permits or add that feature to their existing medical cannabis shops.

Some of the applications have already been approved, ABC 6 reported, which included medical marijuana growers, processors, and testing labs that applied for “dual-use” license status, along with 20 dispensaries.

Still, the approvals don’t yet mean any of the businesses can yet commence recreational marijuana operations or sales, ABC 6 specified. The DCC wrote in an email obtained by the news outlet that the companies still have to obtain a “certificate of operation” and wait until the DCC “processes all required documents” before launching the new recreational market.

It’s not yet clear exactly when that will be, though the market launch is anticipated to come within weeks.

The DCC first released application information earlier this month, and businesses large and small have been scrambling to prepare for the latest recreational cannabis market launch, particularly in a key central market in the Midwest that has many companies excited.

This article was published in Green Market Report