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It was a bad night for pro-marijuana proposals in Mid-Michigan. Unofficially two questions to allow marijuana sales in two towns failed.

In Mason 2,675 voters said no and 1,979 said yes, leading to it being defeated 57.5% to 42.5%.

There were similar results in Howell where 2,722 voters said no to sales and 2,471 said yes, leading to it being defeated 52.4% to 47.6%.

Marijuana proposals

NoMeasure FailedFailed2,67557.5%
Updated: 13 hours ago100% reporting
NoMeasure FailedFailed2,72252.4%
Updated: 12 hours ago100% reporting

There were similar results in Howell where 2,722 voters said no to sales and 2,471 said yes, leading to it being defeated 52.4% to 47.6%.

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