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With the new year well underway, the Michigan Department of Environment, Great Lakes, and Energy (EGLE) wants to remind you of your regulatory obligations as part of the cannabis industry.  Regardless of your license status under the state’s Cannabis Regulatory Agency, you may need environmental permits to operate your growing or processing facility safely and to comply with the state’s environmental regulations. 

EGLE is responsible for regulating sources of pollution.  To do this, we enforce a set of regulations. These regulations ensure that our state’s resources are managed appropriately and that communities are kept safe.  Much of this work is done by permitting pollution sources, limiting the amount of pollution released into the environment, or regulating how resources are managed.

This reminder provides a high-level look at things you should know and the resources available to help your business comply.  The cannabis industry is subject to EGLE’s regulatory requirements. Take action today to ensure you are compliant!

What processes are regulated?

Many activities are regulated, for instance, wastewater discharges, wetlands, waste disposal, composting, and even air pollution are regulated under EGLE’s rules and regulations.  Some of these activities need to meet certain standards to be considered compliant. Many of these activities require permits prior to the start of operation, certifications, and records submittals.

Environmental Compliance for Growers and Processors of Marijuana

What do you need to do?

Chances are, if you grow, process, do oil extraction, or dispose of marijuana waste you have environmental obligations you may not be compliant with.  The best thing to do is familiarize yourself with the available resources, take steps to determine your compliance status and reach out to EGLE staff with questions.


Water Use, Disposal, and Wetlands Guidance:

Protecting Water Resources when Growing and Processing Marijuana

This guide covers how water use is regulated and what to do if wetlands are on your property.  For instance, did you know that most wastewater from marijuana growing should not be discharged to a septic system?  Or that certain requirements exist for lands with wetlands?  This guide will help you determine if you need to take additional steps or apply for permits for these activities.

Materials Management / Waste Guidance

Solid and Hazardous Waste Regulations and Composting Marijuana Waste Website

Marijuana plant waste disposal is regulated by EGLE.  Proper composting and knowing when you need to send waste to the landfill is important. Activities like what to do with your used solvent and how to handle your used lightbulbs must be done correctly. This guide will help you determine what to do with your waste.

Air Permitting and Emissions Guidance

Protecting Air Quality When Growing and Processing Marijuana

If you are processing marijuana and doing oil extraction, you need to either determine whether your activities are exempt from permitting or need an air permit (Calculating Air Emissions from Processing Operations).  You may also need an air permit if you have any boilers, engines, turbines, or a source-specific power plant.

Check out for more information on environmental regulations for the cannabis industry, how to contact us, and get compliant today!

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