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The cities of Marinette, Wisconsin and Menominee, Michigan enjoy a strong community bond — almost making them “one and the same.”

But there is one marked difference. Per Wisconsin law, you’ll find no marijuana dispensaries in Marinette. North of the Menominee River, however, the cannabis market is heating up — drawing concerns over the booming pot shop business.

The intersection of 10th Avenue and 10th Street in Menominee is one of the busiest intersections in the Upper Peninsula. Soon, it will become even more congested when the city’s eighth pot shop opens on the southwest corner.

“Right now, the plan is to direct traffic through the alley. My concern there is that the alley is in very rough condition,” said Michael DeDamos, a member of the Menominee City Council. “I don’t know that the alley’s going to be adequate enough of a mitigation tactic to really keep from having any public safety issues.”

Menominee Mayor Casey Hoffman says traffic isn’t the only potential problem.

“This is too sensitive of a location. It’s right next to a church. It is right next to the DAR Boys & Girls Club, and it is the walking path between Menominee Elementary and the DAR Boys & Girls Club. That’s a bad look for Menominee, and it’s frankly a danger to our kids,” Hoffman said.

The city’s growing cannabis market extends beyond this intersection. On Wednesday, The Fire Station expanded its drive-thru services to include a retail store, and last weekend, Elevated Exotics opened its newest retail location.

Read more at Fox 11

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