Aug 19, 2020 | Great Lakes Region, Michigan
An influx of new recreational marijuana businesses could be coming to Michigan some time after Nov. 1. If that happens, marijuana customers may see lower prices and a greater selection of recreational marijuana. It could also push medical marijuana shoppers, who play...
Jun 10, 2020 | Feature, Great Lakes Region, Michigan
A new group is pushing for a ballot proposal to allow recreational marijuana businesses in Ionia. The Safe Ionia Committee announced Tuesday, June 2, that it is officially kicking off its campaign to pass a city ordinance to bring recreational marijuana businesses to...
Apr 29, 2020 | Feature, Great Lakes Region, Michigan
Since Monday, prospective business owners have filed 13 more applications for marijuana provisioning centers in Petoskey. That means Petoskey officials will have to use a raffle system — in addition to their extensive review process — to determine which three...
Feb 28, 2020 | Feature, Great Lakes Region, Michigan
The city of Houghton introduced another marijuana ordinance during Wednesday’s city council meeting. At the last city council meeting two ordinances were introduced, one a revised version of the previous medical marijuana ordinance, and the other an ordinance allowing...