Jun 10, 2021 | Feature, Great Lakes Region, Guest Post, Michigan
METRC, the system used by many states to track cannabis from seed to sale, was inoperative in Michigan for one and one-half hours on Wednesday, June 9. By itself this is not a remarkable event, as METRC frequently crashes, but the vulnerability of the system is...
May 26, 2021 | FOUR20 Post, Great Lakes Region, Michigan
Cannabis Activist Rick Thompson updates the latest cannabis news on Four20 Post. Among the topics are the effort to regulate Delta-8 THC, new regulations for “High” driving, and the efforts by the Michigan Marijuana Manufacturing Association to ban...
May 19, 2021 | FOUR20 Post, Great Lakes Region, Michigan
Cannabis Activate Rick Thompson, co-host of JazzCabbage.Cafe, delivers his cannabis headlines and includes comments on Michigan Cannabis Manufacturers Association Executive Director Stephen Linder and his efforts to force restrictions on the use of Delta 8 by CBD and...
May 13, 2021 | FOUR20 Post, Great Lakes Region, Michigan
Veteran Michigan Cannabis Advocate Rick Thompson shares the Cannabis Headlines On Four20 Post May 12. Rick also is the Owner, Michigan Cannabis Business Development Group; Board member, Michigan NORML, MILegalize 2016/2018; publisher Michigan Cannabis Industries...
May 6, 2021 | Feature, Great Lakes Region, Michigan
A group of the state’s largest cannabis companies is lobbying the Michigan state legislature to regulate Delta-8 THC, primarily manufactured from legal hemp-derived CBD, in the same way Delta-9 THC is grown by association members. On Tuesday, Michigan Cannabis...