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Michigan Marijuana Report and Four20 Post Sponsorships will benefit veteran charities from Memorial Day through Labor Day. During this period, 10% of sponsor revenue for the website, email publication, and streaming show will benefit Hero Project USA. Editor Mike Brennan and Publisher Dan Keelan are part of a team that launched the new nonprofit on Memorial Day.

The Hero Project mission is to raise donations to support Michigan-registered Veteran charities through the sale of Hero-branded products as well as through individual and corporate donations. The goal of the project, by supporting Veteran causes, is to find ways to mitigate issues like homelessness, poverty, domestic abuse, drug abuse, and PTSD. Three quarters of the money collected from the sale of Hero-branded products will be donated to Veteran charities chosen by each business, setting the Hero Project apart from other organizations by creating a greater financial impact.

To find out more about sponsoring the Michigan Marijuana Report and Four20 Post, contact us.

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