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Myndset Herbs in Lawrence, Michigan, anounced it will be the one of the first cannabis operations in the United States making a commitment to be powered 100% with clean energy. The carbon-neutral pledge comes through a partnership with Consumers Energy’s Renewable Energy Program, which is working with Myndset and 30 other leading businesses outside of the cannabis industry.

Consumers Energy also presented Myndset Herbs with a $301,000 check to represent rebates for the company’s energy-efficient work as part of construction of its state-of-the-art facility in Van Buren County last year.

John Wellehan, CEO of Myndset Herbs, said in a press release that the company is dedicated to sustainability and innovation in the industry: “Myndset Herbs is pioneering a greener future for cannabis and is proud to stand as a Michigan carbon-neutral cannabis operation. Our mantra “Cultivating Consciousness” underscores that we are not separate from nature, but rather an integrated part of it. Our decision to grow top shelf flower using 100% clean energy from wind and solar aligns with this conviction. We are committed to keeping herb green.”

As the result of Myndset’s agreement with Consumers Energy, Consumers will develop additional solar and wind energy capacity in Michigan sufficient to match the energy that Myndset uses at their state-of-the-art Lawrence facility. Myndset believes that not only is it the right thing to do, but that it will resonate with many of their consumers. After
operating for a year as a wholesale producer, Myndset is preparing to launch its branded product line at the end of April featuring its ‘Cultivating Consciousness’ ethos.

In total, over 30 businesses have committed to nearly 600 megawatts of emission-free renewable energy supporting their sustainability goals. That’s enough generation to power over 100,000 homes each year and equivalent to removing greenhouse gas emissions produced from over 86,000 cars on the road annually from the environment,
according to U.S. Environmental Protection Agency calculations.

Consumers Energy’s Renewable Energy Program provides a local, cost-effective, flexible, turnkey solution for businesses to use solar and wind energy to achieve their sustainability goals and protect the planet for future generations. Their enrollment not only advances greening Michigan’s grid, but also supports Michigan jobs created through building and operating renewable energy projects.