Oct 5, 2022 | Feature, National
From sales in new states, to government agencies airing their own cannabis commercials during major sporting events, the needle continues to move in favor of the legalization and normalization of cannabis in the U.S. The momentum will continue through the 2022...
Oct 5, 2022 | Feature, Great Lakes Region, Michigan
When I first heard about Pink Panties Pizza, a Detroit-based THC-infused pizza delivery service, I thought it was fake. But it is, indeed, very real. A delivery driver handed me a box with “warning, this pizza got weed in it… good weed…” written on it. A cartoon...
Oct 3, 2022 | Feature, FOUR20 Post, Great Lakes Region, Michigan
Cannabis activist Latrisha Matson has organized the Michigan Canna Harvest Rally Oct. 11 on the steps of the Michigan Capitol in Lansing to bring together everyone in the Michigan cannabis community to educate and inform about what’s happening in this $2 billion...
Oct 2, 2022 | Great Lakes Region, Michigan
A pair of bills to allow the state Marijuana Regulatory Agency to contract with Michigan Indian tribes passed through the House, 102-6. Currently, Michigan’s Indian tribes, considered sovereign entities, are responsible for regulating the sale of marijuana on...